Tu Me ManquesFrench for I miss you, but when translated literally, it means “you are missing from me”Aug 21, 2024Aug 21, 2024
You Don’t Matter and I Think that’s the Best Part*Cue existential dread given the grandness of the universe*Sep 16, 2022Sep 16, 2022
I Hated My Body Because of You*Trigger Warning: weight, health, body shaming*Aug 21, 20222Aug 21, 20222
Why It Takes Long For Me To Finish and Publish My WritingAlt. Title: “Where tf are my posts: here I go again writing about writing and life”Aug 15, 2022Aug 15, 2022
Dear OId Friend Who Isn’t Aware That They Cross My Mind,Hi. Once again, I am reminded of you by a minute detail within my day. It makes me end up wondering about you and your day. If the…Aug 6, 2022Aug 6, 2022